+ 001 0231 123 32



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About Our Program

start boating about

We are glad that you have decided to STARTboating and join in the fun and relaxation that Canada’s waterways can provide.

Boating is a great activity and safe if you know and practice some basic rules. This program will cover some of the things you need to know before you go out onto the water…how to plan your trip, what to take with you and how to act and react to situations once you are out there.

The program will take you along with a family enjoying their day on the water and putting into practice what they have learned to be safe. A few times throughout the story, we’ll take a break and give you an opportunity to review what you have seen and learn more.

In these breaks you will find a number of information links that, when clicked, will provide you with the knowledge to help keep you safe. You can look at one or all…the choice is yours. And when you are done, return to the story.

At the end of the program you will have a chance to review all the information links once again. Although this program does cover the basics it is certainly not intended to be a full instructional course. The best way to safely enjoy your time on the water is to take a boating course and in the program you will find links to organizations that can help you do just that.

Thank you for taking the time to learn about your new on water activity and we are glad that you decided to STARTboating.